MSED Mindset Part 2 | Effort earlier in life is important not for only one life goal but for any and every life goal because of the nature of compounding

Compounding means there is an opportunity cost associated with not pursuing any aim that’s important to you in life.

MSED if not free on the otherwise chosen Main path of life without deviating more than 3 to 5 % from the Main Path, is too expensive (wrt time, efforts, energy & opportunity costs) and can be let gone of/sacrificed and experienced only in the self created Experience Machine within the human mind. That’s the only most efficient way to deal with MSED.

It balances out giving MSED low importance even earlier in life: Because of this particular reason, that the Effort earlier in life is important not for only one life goal but for any and every life goal because of the nature of compounding, the need to indulge in expensive MSED balances out at 3 to 5% or less or the spare and excess time, energy, resources spending at any given position in life, with the making of efforts and living life calmly.
MSED is anyway too expensive for the very little and substitutability gains it may give and the cost maybe and often is way higher than any of the benefits including the opportunity cost. It’s a very good idea to substitute MSED via mental meditative experiences in the self-constructed experience machine, rather than expend in the real world in a hormonally compromised irrational situation. Note that the brain becomes irrational and anti excellence when a human is in the MSED zone, which is another reason to severely limit MSED as per the cost benefit analysis. MSED also happens to be one of the worst known and most dangerous slippery slopes known to mankind, hence consciously severely limit MSED and get into and stay in a don’t care attitude towards MSED.

So all that is important should be compounded from the very start itself

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