An Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

Particles are created from the underlying fields due to plucking (interacting with/measuring) the fields. Once the particles are created, they remain as particles till the underlying fields de-cohere (entangle with the surroundings; refer Quantum Decoherence) and hence becomes fields again, but that takes some time. Hence we can explain the double slit experiment of electrons. This also explains Quantum Tunnelling as entities in the physical universe exist primarily as fields and when plucked become particles momentarily before dampening out and mixing with the environment to become fields again. This also explains Heisenberg’s Uncertainity Principle that two properties can’t be known simultaneously beyond a certain degree of remission because plucking/measuring one type of quantity(observable) automatically causes changes in the nature of underlying field, which means in the nature of all other quantities(observables).

Quantum mechanics can very well be thought of as the interaction between multiple systems. The exact value an observable takes depends on which other system is interacting with/measuring the underlying quantum field. This is clear in Quantum Electrodynamic Interactions studied as Feynman Diagrams as well.

Quantum Entanglement is explained because the “state” of the field(represented by the Wave Function) that represents/describes the two entangled particles is plucked at once when measurement happens. The information(value of the observable Eg: Spin), just emerges from the underlying reality, rather than travels from one spacetime location to another. As it so happens, since the underlying quantum fields are pervading all space, the same information that emerges at location 1, also emerges at location two and these two locations are separated by spacetime distance. Classical observers ingesting this information at locations 1 and 2 still need to communicate via classical means to convey the information to each other. Also the entangled particles, while they were transported (before measurement) to locations 1 and 2, were transported at less than c (the velocity of light) so the unknown information was transported at less than c to separate locations and just emerged via the experimentation/measurement/interaction with measuring systems and fixated a value for the relevant observable.

Information is non-local. Information is spread out, that spreading happens at less than c, when the entangled particles were moved apart.

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