Why enter zones of complete focus while working and not zones of focus dopamine focus dopamine cycles.

Because dopamine stops the compounding of the effort process.

Because of the Power Triad Structures(Big Corporations, State & Politics, Media & Influencers) in the world, we are always at a disadvantage in life while we are selling our time to earn money (freelancing), or building a small business or startup. Hence, half hearted effort will take & keep us far below on the power law distribution of results. Hence, earlier in life, it’s very important to be intense in the work we are doing.

The capital & excess capital we earn earlier in life ends up working for us over the long run in some way shape or form, hence working extra hard earlier & being extra diligent and intense pays much more in the long run, along with much more compounding benefits in the future. A good start compounds in many way, shapes and forces in life. Hence, work very diligently especially earlier in life, with high energy, high vigour and enthusiasm in order to achieve any form of success you have set out to achieve.

Please note that today’s Economy is a winner take all economy. That’s what the internet does and facilitates. In this economy, it’s important to be doubly intense, as intense as you can be along with being focused on the correct business model from the start.

Hence, it’s always better to have zero dopamine breaks as we are working intensely towards our goals, earlier in life. It’s better to work full out and when we take a vacation, enjoy fully & intensely. You can allow yourself intense but short lived and non-addictive dopamine pleasures during the rest period. That would be living life fully, as per the overall regret minimization framework of thinking.

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