Living with Pride & Self-Esteem

Pride and self esteem is the relationship that one has with oneself. True self esteem is how, what we feel about ourselves when we are alone, with ourselves.

Prideful living happens when one are truly delivering more, much more than one is charging for. Prideful living, with high self esteem implies that one truly believes what one has to offer is so unique, and valuable that it would be imprudent for the rest of the world to not want it ardently. Solving many problems or many people, preferably with a global scope, with the brain and wit and efforts & toil, this is indeed the thrill of true entrepreneurship. My, Zenith’s personal superpower is to make or help people make the most appropriate decisions at appropriate times with the given limited information, while confronting a chaotic world, in order to solve the problem(s) and move ahead most optimally. In this I can and will help many individual humans and teams or startups and groups of people do better in life. I don’t consider my skills to have any edge in the ‘execution’ process of the decision, but very much so in the making of the decision itself. I have a tremendous personal ability to make the best, most rational decision with the given set of information at that particular space time coordinate, in the direction of optimising any particular outcome. Hence, I will lend myself and my meagre and valuable time to the decision making process, to individuals and to groups, startups and organisations but not to the execution/operations process of implementing the decisions as I could do better by making better, more numerous decisions in other contexts instead. It’s best to stick with the art and the science of decision making that I consider myself to be the best at, for the sake of creating thr maximum positive impact on myself and the world. Wrong decisions have far reaching consequences in the life of many. Right decisions are the most precious advise/knowledge that a human or a group of humans may potentially acquire. That is where I can and will add the maximum value to a group of humans or to individual humans.

For a valid sense of high self-pride & high self-esteem & ‘truly high’ status in the human world, as opposed to the fake status seeking & signalling, as opposed to swindling or cheating other humans or ‘gaming the system’ or getting ahead because of mere luck and mostly being oblivious to the self privilege that lucky events has bestowed on oneself due to happenstance, it’s very important to deliver much much more that what you are charging for, something that’s truly unique and valuable. I have found that it’s my own personal prudence, advise & brainpower that fits the bill in this regard. Advise, rational thought & best decision making models, frameworks and thinking, is what I have with me to uniquely offer to this world.

To live a life of pride and self-esteem, is a privilege few bestow upon themselves. It requires courage and commitment to ones path of excellence and a strong believe in ones vision for oneself as well as for humanity.
It indeed requires a higher degree of consciousness, of understanding of the universe, of patience, perseverance and drive.

Few will be able to elevate themselves to this degree. The ‘high road’ is usually mostly vacant.

To aim for the highest ‘true status’ amongst humans, is to solve this world’s problems with the ‘enhanced by Physics’ human mind and brain one has acquired & developed, and inspire, motivate & help people to execute and reach solutions to personal & global problems. In doing so, one increases ones own deservence and thus can travail further along the HD-HO line, and live life as fully as possible while one has time to breathe on this blue orb.

True highest status & true prideful living, with ones head held high, with a plethora of self-esteem, are the only reasons one needs to get up and make efforts each moment, everyday in this lifetime.

To the mind that has realised this, I bid a hearty congratulations. Congratulations on finding the best way to live life, pridefully, in high self esteem & truly high(est) status. May peace befriend you at all space time coordinates.

1 thought on “Living with Pride & Self-Esteem”

  1. For a valid sense of high self-pride & high self-esteem & ‘truly high’ status in the human world, as opposed to the fake status seeking & signalling, as opposed to swindling or cheating other humans or ‘gaming the system’ or getting ahead because of mere luck and mostly being oblivious to the self privilege that lucky events has bestowed on oneself due to happenstance, it’s very important to deliver much much more that what you are charging for, something that’s truly unique and valuable. I have found that it’s my own personal prudence, advise & brainpower that fits the bill in this regard. Advise, rational thought & best decision making models, frameworks and thinking, is what I have with me to uniquely offer to this world.

    Zenith Athang.

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