Extreme Sacrificial Efforts + Small Rest Period (This is an efficient way to play the long Game of Life)

This is a cycle. Understand this cycle well, the ratio has to be 90%-10% or 95% – 5%. This is how to play the infinite game of life effectively.

Early on in life, extreme sacrificial efforts are very important. Intensity is exponentially more important early on in life, because things we acquire early on compound significantly and have long term benefits.

Dont worry abt missing out on MSED because twenty years worth of (High Effort, Low Respect, Low quality) MSED, can be covered in 1 or 2 months only later in life. So is the case with most hedonistic pleasures that one may care about.

2 thoughts on “Extreme Sacrificial Efforts + Small Rest Period (This is an efficient way to play the long Game of Life)”

  1. If you ever feel like you are missing out on MSED, then just think that you are anyway going to get only High Effort Low Quality, Low Respect MSED now, with diminishing marginal utility of returns.

    This feeling Automatically gets counterbalanced by the feeling of what if we miss out on entire life, resonance, synergy, achievement, Entrepreneurial Success in Education, happiness and financial security of my parents & family, Chess, Physics, feelings of drive, motivation, positivity in life.

  2. A life form is either in positive synergy in life or in negative synergy. Negative synergy leads to stress.

    The best way is to think Fast (AutoPilot) & Slow(Deep slow thinking), at appropriate periods in life.

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